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Headache Treatment

If you are actively searching for a headache treatment to better help manage headache pain, our treatment grants quick headache relief utilising our cutting-edge laser therapy.

BioFlex Pakistan uses Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) to introduce a headache pain treatment. Laser therapy has shown to reduce the amount of re-occurring headaches, reduces the duration of the headaches, as well as shows a substantial reduction in the intensity and pain of each headache.

BioFlex Pakistan has a range of highly experienced orthopedic doctors at each of our clinics in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Peshawar & Multan.

Read below to find out more about headache symptoms and causes, and how we treat it.

Clinic Address

3rd Floor, Al-Karam Plaza, F-11 Markaz, Islamabad

Headache Pain

Headaches are medical conditions in which the patient experiences intense sharp/pulsating pain in any region of the head, either on one side or both sides of the head. They can develop suddenly and be severe, or can be mild at first and progress to severe stages. It is likely thought that the pain is experienced from the brain, however this is not true as the brain does not possess any nerves, it arises from the structures that surround the brain – the tissues etc.

People having chronic headaches can find it very hard to perform daily activities. Over hundreds of millions of people are frequently affected by some type of headache, affecting people of any age and gender.

Types of Headaches

There are various kinds of headaches that cause different kinds of headache pain. Some common kinds of headaches and their details are listed:


Migraine headaches symptoms involve throbbing and pulsating pain on one side of the head. It can include blurred vision and high sensitivity towards noise and light, and can last from several hours to 3 days long.

Tension Headaches

They are the most common type of headaches. Tension headache symptoms include patients feeling a tight band like structure wrapped around the neck or intense pain in one side of the neck.

Cluster headaches

This headache usually propagates between 15 mins to 3 hours. Cluster headache symptoms include experiencing sharp burning like pain around one eye or inside the eye.

Rebound Headache

These headaches result from the overuse of medication. In this case, pain may get even more intense with use of medications. It can lead to extreme restlessness and reduced sleep quantity.

Thunderclap Headaches

The most severe and intense type of headache. It is often explained as the worst headache ever experienced. They occur suddenly – the intensity level can grow from naught to maximum in less than one minute or around 5 mins.

    Headache Causes

    A headache can be an indication of a serious condition, therefore one must seek medical consent as soon as a severe headache is experienced. The main causes of headaches are listed ahead:

    • Cluster headache
    • Migraine
    • Tension
    • Depression
    • Alcohol-induced hangover
    • Blood clots
    • Brain tumor
    • Bleeding around the brain
    • Brain freeze
    • Carbon monoxide poisoning
    • Concussion
    • Influenza
    • Dehydration
    • Teeth grinding
    • Glaucoma
    • Rebound headaches
    • Panic attacks

    Headache Symptoms

    The headache extends from a single point in the head to its surrounding structures. They are sharp and have burning like sensations. Few symptoms of the several kinds of headache are listed ahead:

    • Mild pain around the neck
    • Throbbing pain
    • Pulsating pain
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Numbness
    • Blurred vision
    • Blindness
    • Restlessness
    • Sensitivity (light/sound)
    • Warm or cold sensations
    • Pain around the eye

    Headache Treatment

    Laser therapy has shown to be a quick headache relief tool and is effective for headache treatment for various kinds of headache pain. Laser therapy reduces the total number of headaches re-occurring over a month’s cycle. It also helps to reduce the total duration of the headache, as well as significantly reduces the intensity and pain experienced by the patient during their headache. These positive results may be due to the results of studies showing that LLLT regulated blood flow in the main artery of the head (temporal artery), hence reducing pain through several mechanisms.

    Laser therapy has been shown to increase cellular metabolism of the patient, which promotes the healing process of the targeted area. Laser therapy has also been shown to interact with the nerves of the targeted site in a way which reduces pain experienced. This interaction also releases endorphins which reduces the painful sensations at the site. These interactions have a combined effect that result in pain relief starting from minutes after the first treatment to long-term pain relief.

    Our technology is equipped with providing pain relief and management of many complex medical disorders – including many neurological disorders. The treatments are non-invasive, the procedure is painless and you do not experience any side effects.

    Our BioFlex team consists of experienced orthopedic doctors who offer their outstanding services in various cities of Pakistan. Our clinics are located in cities near you; Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Peshawar & Multan.

    If you would like to opt for our headache treatment, begin our BioFlex Laser therapy process and book a consultation with our orthopedic doctors at one of our centres. Simply input your information below and we will call you back within the next day to book your consultation so you can start reaping the benefits that BioFlex has to offer!

    Our Success Stories

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    Book An Appointment

    Simply share your information below and our patient management expert will call you back within the next day to discuss your details and to book your appointment with our consultant.

      About BioFlex Laser Therapy

      BioFlex laser therapy is a Canadian technology. Founded by Dr. Fred Kahn on the ideation of developing a revolutionizing remedy for a plethora of medical conditions, BioFlex has emerged as the therapeutic treatment within reach of everyone.
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