Carpal tunnel syndrome is considered one of the most common neuropathies around the world. If you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome or have symptoms related to this neuropathic illness then read further.
You will come to know about acute carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms and treatment options to get rid of this condition without surgery.
So let’s get started.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a neuropathic condition that arises due to the compression of the median nerve. The median nerve runs from your forearm to your palm through a narrow passageway called the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel is surrounded by bones and ligaments and inside it runs the median nerve.
The median nerve controls the movement of your thumb, forefinger, middle finger, and ring finger. It also controls the motor function of your thumb.
So, when this median nerve is compressed due to any condition then you feel tingling, numbness, and weakness in your hand. You might also feel other symptoms based on the severity of your condition.
Carpal tunnel syndrome might be caused due to:
Acute carpal tunnel syndrome is the severe form of this neuropathic condition. Acute carpal tunnel syndrome is usually caused due to a wrist fracture or fracture-related problems. The treatment of acute carpal tunnel syndrome should be started as soon as it is diagnosed. If the treatment is delayed then there is no option for recovery but surgery.
Chronic carpal tunnel syndrome is a much less severe form of this illness but is long-term. Surgery is the last option in this case. The symptoms can be managed and the nerve can be released with a combination of traditional treatment therapies and home remedies.
Here, we will discuss acute carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms and treatment options to avoid surgical procedures and release the median nerve non-invasively to get rid of this condition.
If you experience a tingling sensation, numbness, and weakness in your hand (especially your palm) then it’s time to visit the doctor.
You will be diagnosed through physical examination, X-ray (to exclude other conditions such as fractures), and neurological tests.
After diagnosis, your doctor will suggest a few treatment options along with physiotherapy and home remedies to cure carpal tunnel syndrome naturally.
The exercises of wrist and fingers are usually prescribed by a certified physiotherapist so that you reap maximum benefit for them. Practising exercise on your own can worsen the symptoms.
Nerve flossing exercises (median nerve) help relieve numbness and pain. The median nerve can also get released or experience less pressure over it while you exercise.
Traditional treatment includes the use of wrist splints, especially at night. As the symptoms become worse at night and you can wake up due to pain and numbness in your hand, you can wear a wrist splint to keep your wrist straight.
The doctor might also recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroids if you are experiencing severe pain.
If your symptoms are not responding to any of the treatments mentioned above then you can go for alternative treatment options such as laser therapy for pain relief. Because otherwise, the doctor will advise you to go for a surgical procedure that will release the median nerve.
Laser pain therapy is a proven modern-day therapy that is done across the world for various neuromuscular disorders. A safe laser beam is directed on the painful or numb area to stimulate natural healing and defence mechanisms.
Laser pain therapy is successfully done to treat acute carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. You will need more than one session to get better. The laser beam releases the median nerve in a non-invasive way.
If you are in Pakistan and want to get laser pain therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome then you can head to our modern pain management clinic; Bioflex Pakistan. With the use of modern technology, our experienced rheumatologists treat acute carpal tunnel syndrome successfully. You will notice the symptoms alleviating after a few laser pain therapy sessions. Get acute carpal tunnel syndrome treatment at Bioflex Pakistan and book your appointment now.
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