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Migraine Stress Management: Talk To Your Loved Ones

Migraine is an invisible condition that results in awful symptoms which most of the individuals around us do not understand. 

If you suffer from an accident and have a cast over your hand then people do have sympathy for you and help you out. However, with migraines, you need to open up with your friends and family members and let them know about how you feel while experiencing those symptoms. Talk to your loved ones about your migraine and reach out for any help.

Migraine – An Overview 

Migraine results in a pounding headache associated with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sounds, light along other symptoms. Most people treat their migraine headaches with anti-nausea drugs.  

Here’s a fact: 

Around 18-20% of the population in our country suffers from migraine headaches, but most of them do not ask for help from their loved ones. 

Why? Because most of the loved ones fail to understand our feelings during such headaches. 

These headaches result in strain over our relationships with spouses, friends, family members, relatives, and others. You cannot avoid migraines, but you can share your feelings with loved ones about what they can expect during your symptoms and how they can help you during migraine attacks. 

How to tell your kids about your migraine? 

Kids are the most affected individuals if you suffer from migraines. They get upset and scared to see your situation during migraine attacks. It is therefore advised to open up about your condition with them and how you need rest and silence during the awful headaches. 

  • Let your children know about your condition and be honest with them. Manage a schedule so that you can spend your time with children in times of no headache. 
  • Be specific regarding your needs and mention the triggering factors to your children which might initiate the headaches. 
  • If you have planned a birthday party or dinner plans with your children and you are unable to make it then do tell them the reason and ask for rescheduling it so that they know you are honest with them. 
  • Avoid being guilty and ashamed of your activities during migraine headaches.
  • Open up with your child and ask them for help as it makes them empathetic and caring human beings.

How to tell your spouse, friends, and family members regarding migraines?

Relationships with a spouse are complicated. It’s all about sharing your likes, dislikes, your complicated medical conditions, and others. You can try asking them out for help. 

  • Be honest and open up about your headaches and how you feel during those symptoms. 
  • Discuss the triggering factors with your spouse so that he or she can also help you stay away from them. 
  • If you want simple help from your spouse like cooking dinner, picking up your medicines from the drugstore, or if you want to cancel your travel plans, just ask your spouse and share your condition. 
  • Make a schedule for all the daily chores and try completing all of them before the next migraine attack strikes you. Scheduling the tasks allows the rest of the family members to continue with their daily routine without relying much on you and you have fewer tasks to catch up on once your headaches are over.
  • Let your spouse know about the exaggerating symptoms during the migraines so that they know how and when to support you. 

Doctors’ treatment is not enough for such headaches, you need ultimate support, compassion, and understanding from your loved ones when you need them. Stress is one of the leading triggering factors for migraines. Try staying happy and calm, be engaging with your friends and family members, and avoid taking the stress. During stressful conditions, you might snap and argue with your spouse or other family members leading to an awful headache along with your relationship. 

Try identifying your stressful situations as this might aggravate your headaches. Take a deep breath, try meditating, and recalibrate yourself. Try taking a rest and ask someone else to help you out with the chores until your headaches are gone. Talking to your loved ones helps you to maintain a friendly and reliable relationship with your spouse and family members.

Important factors to consider while talking to your loved ones about migraine 

  1. Ensure Help From Your Family:

Have control over your lives and ask for help. Discuss the triggering factors of migraines with your family members so that they can help you out in avoiding those. Discuss some signs with them which indicate your migraine attack. Tell them that during migraine attacks, you need some rest and no noise within the room.

  1. Schedule Your Migraine Plan:

Discuss all the things you want your close family members to do for you once the migraine attack strikes you. For example, preparing a meal, giving you medicines, picking up a child from school along with other important stuff.

  1. Share Your Feelings With Your Loved Ones:

Discuss how you wish others could help you out and talk to them about your migraine attacks. Discuss your feelings with your loved ones.

  1. Help Them Understand About Your Condition:

Migraine is not simply a headache, it is a brain disorder that results in several symptoms. Interact with your kids, family members, spouse, or friends and ask them to attend an appointment with your doctor so that they can help you out with the condition and the medicines.

How can migraines be treated?

Headaches occur due to several triggering factors, the pain due to headaches is either dull, sharp, or radiating. 

If you’re looking for an alternative, effective, and modern treatment then you can consider BioFlex laser therapy. These lasers increase the microcirculation, enhance the serotonin levels within the blood giving you a happy feel, release the endogenous opioids which relieve pain and alter the levels of cholinesterase for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. 

Try having laser therapy for migraine treatment as different studies conclude that the use of lasers reduces the duration of migraine attacks, the intensity of headaches, and the number of attacks during each day.

Click here to know more about laser pain therapy and how it helps you to get rid of migraines completely. 


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