Have you experienced joint pain in cold weather, such as in your knees or shoulders?
Most people suffer from joint pain due to conditions like arthritis, neck pain, or knee pain due to certain injuries, but joint pain due to cold weather does exist. This joint pain is usually low-impact with slight achiness. We mostly hear that individuals typically suffer from generalized aches in the joints, especially in the winter or fall season.
Many theories show how cold can cause joint pain. Let’s dive in to find out how.
There are few accepted theories as to why cold weather results in joint pain. Some studies indicate that during cold weather, the body conserves heat and transmits the blood to the vital organs of the body such as the lungs, heart, and brain.
So, this results in constriction of blood vessels towards the knee, hip, shoulder, legs, and other essential joints of the body. The reduced blood flow to these areas results in stiffer, painful joints with discomfort.
Another theory suggests that the barometric pressure changes in the external environment lead to inflammatory changes within the joints, which results in circulatory changes within the body and increased nerve sensitivity leading to joint pain.
Other than the barometric pressure; precipitation, humidity, and temperature can also result in joint pain.
Another theory suggests that barometric changes result in expansion or contraction of the muscles, tendons, and scar tissues leading to joint pain in arthritic patients. Cold temperature results in fluid thickness within the joints, which makes the joints stiffer.
Cold weather can negatively impact any part of the body, but it most commonly affects the weight-bearing joints like knees, ankles, or hips. It especially affects the people who spend most of their time exercising in the cold weather. According to a study conducted in 2013, it was seen that weather affects rheumatic pain in patients aged between 50-65 years suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. It was observed that there were 16% increased chances of a flare-up in the condition during the lower temperature.
You might experience the following joint pain during cold weather:
The cause of joint pain in cold weather remains questionable, and people usually experience it once in their lifetime. You are lucky enough that there are natural remedies and preventive tips that help you stay away from joint pain.
Keeping yourself warm in cold weather helps in avoiding joint pain. Warming up before working out and wearing proper clothing before leaving the house in cold weather helps you to stay warm without any joint stiffness.
A simple warm-up exercise prevents you from any joint pain or stiffness.
It is also essential to consider dynamic movement while you keep on running. If you take breaks during activity, bear in mind that the joints become stiff due to low body temperature.
Once you are done running, you must cool down properly by foam rolling or stretching, which helps in reducing muscle tightness.
To prevent the hassle of wearing excess clothes while going outdoors, you can do your workout inside, which prevents any joint pain. You can enjoy your workout while hopping over the cardio machine or the treadmill. If you feel pain while running or doing a specific exercise, then it’s better to avoid it. It is especially advised for people who suffer from conditions like arthritis or Raynaud’s disease that they should listen to their body and prevent joint pain.
If stretching or warm-up exercises do not help in relieving joint pain, then see a doctor immediately. Other than that, you can maintain weight through simple activities like yoga or swimming.
You can also prevent the swelling of the joints by covering the knee joints with well-fitted gloves.
The braces or knee bands help in reducing the swelling over the joints and encourage joint stability. Keep yourself confident enough and prevent any psychological effects on your joints.
Keep yourself engaged in stuff that you love enjoying, sleep well at night and have enough nutrition in the diet.
Get enough vitamin D in food as it is essential for your bones and joints. In winters, you are unable to get enough vitamin D from sun exposure; it is therefore advised to take vitamin D supplements to meet the requirements of the body. Keep yourself hydrated, especially in cold weather, as it makes your body less sensitive to pain and aids in regulating the temperature levels.
You can also have massages to get relief through joint pain, especially in the cold weather.
Other than these preventive tips, dietary options, and therapeutic measures, you can choose the latest technology for relieving joint pain in cold weather.
Canadian technology launched laser pain treatments in Pakistan which is a pain-free and non-invasive solution.
Chiropractors, physiotherapists, and other professionals advise laser technology as the perfect arthritis treatment in Pakistan. Low-level laser treatment is a highly effective, pain-free, and non-invasive solution.
It is applied over the affected tissues where it emits red/ infrared light, which reaches deep within the tissues. This light energy then stimulates the physiological reactions within the body leading to anti-inflammatory effects and healing as well as repair of the diseased tissues.
The use of laser therapy reduces the stiffness, inflammation, and painful sensation within the weight-bearing joints.
Laser therapy is seen to be highly effective for knee joint pain treatment, arthritis pain and more.
If you are willing to get yourself treated with the keen professionals at Bioflex Pakistan, then contact now through the booking form and get yourself a consultation with a cost-effective fee of Rs. 1500.
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