Mon - Sat 10:00 am - 07:00 pm 0800-LASER (52737) info@bioflex.pk
0333 2463539
0346 4111188
0346 1110865

Our Laser Therapy Treatments

Our treatments have evolved as an essential tool for pain management over the last decade. At BioFlex Pakistan, we ensure you have safe and effective treatments. You will be guided by our expert orthopedic doctors during the initial consultation. The treatments are non-invasive, non-toxic, pain-free, and do not require medication or surgery.

See below for a list of our treatments that are carried out by our professional doctors.

Reduces inflammation
Encourages new tissue growth
Reduce pain and symptoms

Immediate pain relief
Long-term pain relief
Improve motion

Improve range of motion
Manage neck pain
Improve function

Reduce inflammation
Reduce pain
Recover motion

Immediate pain relief
Long-term pain relief
Improve motion

Increase healing
Reduce pain
Reduce ulcer size

Reduce frequency of attacks
Reduce intensity of attacks
Manage neurological disorders

Promoting blood circulation
Reduce pain
Improve motion

Reduce inflammation
Reduce pain
Improve motion

Have any Question? Chat with Professional Doctor

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