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Treatments  > Repetitive Strain Injury

Repetitive Strain Injury Treatment

If your muscles ache due to repetitive movements and you want a long-term, safe solution then read further. BioFlex Pakistan is offering non-invasive repetitive strain injury treatment through laser pain therapy. The procedure is performed by expert doctors with highly-trained staff and a hygienic environment.

Repetitive stress injuries (RSI) are the development of muscle damage and nerves due to repetitive periodic motions. They are very common and can result from many different activities (such as typing & grasping tools etc.).

Repetitive stress injuries can harm any mobile part of the body. Stress and monotony usually play a vital role in worsening the symptoms. There are various kinds of these injuries and there are a huge number of treatments and preventions to get rid of them.

Repetitive strain injury – An Overview

The term “Repetitive Stress Injury” can relate to several different issues associated with repetitive movements of muscles and tendons of a particular area. Repeated motions in one particular part of the body can even affect the muscles present in another part.

BioFlex Pakistan is offering an outstanding and effective repetitive stress injury treatment, and treatments of many more medical disorders. These diseases are the most annoying ones because they limit the movement of people and make it difficult for patients to live normal lives.

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Types of repetitive strain injuries

For accurate and effective repetitive strain injury treatment, the doctor will need to know the type of repetitive strain injury you’re suffering from. The types include:

Wear & Tear
Tendon Strain
Shoulder Impingement

Muscle Pain
Tendon Pain
Nerve Pain

Primary Frozen Shoulder
Secondary Frozen Shoulder

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common medical disorder that causes immense pain and numbness in the arms and hands.

    Repetitive strain injury symptoms

    Repetitive strain injury symptoms develop gradually over the period. The symptoms can range from mild to moderate. If you’ve developed repetitive strain injury then the symptoms continue even if you don’t repeat a motion anymore. The symptoms include:

    • Pain
    • Stiffness
    • Throbbing
    • Numbness
    • Tingling
    • Swelling
    • Cramping
    • Weakness

    Repetitive strain injury treatment

    Treating RSI starts with identifying the activity that has caused it and then modifying it. Your doctor might also ask you to stop practicing that movement altogether. The doctor prescribes paracetamol or NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

    You can also practice home remedies such as applying a cold pack to reduce pain and swelling. Physiotherapy also helps you to tackle the injury and reduce pain effectively.

    Repetitive strain injury treatment

    Treating RSI starts with identifying the activity that has caused it and then modifying it. Your doctor might also ask you to stop practicing that movement altogether. The doctor prescribes paracetamol or NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

    You can also practice home remedies such as applying a cold pack to reduce pain and swelling. Physiotherapy also helps you to tackle the injury and reduce pain effectively.

    Repetitive strain injury treatment with laser therapy

    But if the above-mentioned treatment doesn’t help then the RSI can worsen over time. Give a try to a modern and non-invasive repetitive strain injury treatment – laser therapy. It’s promising and proven to be effective for any kind of neuromuscular pain/injury.

    At BioFlex Pakistan, we have the latest technology and expert doctors to perform this procedure. The laser beam stimulates the natural healing mechanism of the body. It takes a few sessions to see prominent results.

    To begin the BioFlex laser therapy process for repetitive strain injury treatment, book a consultation with our orthopedic doctors at one of our centres. Simply input your information below and we will call you back within the next day to book your consultation so you can start reaping the benefits that BioFlex Pakistan has to offer!

    Book An Appointment

    Simply share your information below and our patient management expert will call you back within the next day to discuss your details and to book your appointment with our consultant.

      About BioFlex Laser Therapy

      BioFlex laser therapy is a Canadian technology. Founded by Dr. Fred Kahn on the ideation of developing a revolutionizing remedy for a plethora of medical conditions, BioFlex has emerged as the therapeutic treatment within reach of everyone.
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