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Treatments  > Back Pain

Cold Laser Therapy For Back Pain

Now heal and get rid of the pain. Non-invasively. With zero side effects.

Back pain is one of the most common illnesses that can worsen over time, if not treated. About 60% to 80% of people develop back pain at some point in their lives. Out of them, 40% might develop chronic back pain.

Fortunately, there is an effective, safe, and non-invasive way – cold laser therapy for back pain. This pain therapy is done by professional doctors. A laser beam is directed on the back that helps in getting rid of the pain completely. The treatment also helps to improve other symptoms like inflammation and swelling.

BioFlex Pakistan is now offering this modern cold laser therapy for back pain at our clinics in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Karachi, and Multan. We have professional staff consisting of expert doctors who guide you through the procedure and your back pain gets better within days.

Back Pain – Overview

Back pain can be caused due to various reasons. The spinal vertebrae, ligaments, cartilage, or intervertebral discs might deteriorate. As a result, you feel continuous back pain that won’t go away on its own.

There are several risk factors for back pain, age being the most common risk factor. As you age, the spine becomes weak as the bone structure doesn’t reform. The back pain often worsens with time and this hinders your daily activities. In some cases, the spine continues to get worse and the person might get physically impaired.

That’s why it is very important to know about the underlying cause of your back pain and get the treatment accordingly. The good news is that through proper treatment, you can get rid of your back pain completely.

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Types of Back Pain

Following are the most common types of back pain that occur due to different spinal issues:

Lower back pain is the most common type of back pain that occurs due to deformity in spine structure or muscular strain.

This is caused due to problems in the upper (thoracic) spine or cervical spine. Know about its treatment options and how you can get rid of it completely.

The disc slips due to aging and other factors. Now, herniated disc pain can be treated through laser therapy.

Is a type of arthritis that wears and tears the spine cartilage and joints. This causes severe pain that can be treated with laser therapy.

Inflammation of spinal vertebrae causes spondylitis that can hunch the spine if not treated.

Scoliosis is the sideways curvature of the spine that can affect your posture and movement.

Pain and pressing of the sciatic nerve that starts from the lower back and ends in the toe. You can get rid of sciatic pain with advanced laser therapy.

Is the breakage and weakness of bones, caused due to less bone formation and more deterioration. Osteoporosis can be slowed down with laser therapy.

It’s the condition that causes the narrowing of space between vertebrae, causing pressure on the spinal nerves.

It’s a spinal condition that causes severe lower back pain. The vertebra slips over the one below it, causing pain and inflammation.

    Symptoms of back pain

    Back pain symptoms vary according to the type of back pain and it’s stage. Some common symptoms are:

    • Muscle aching
    • Shooting sensation
    • Stabbing pain
    • Pain in the back while moving
    • Pain while sitting or standing for too long

    Causes of back pain

    The causes of back pain also depend upon the type of back pain. The main causes include:

    • Muscle strain
    • Osteoporosis
    • Arthritis
    • Bulging disc
    • Ruptured disc

    Back Pain Treatment Options

    Once the diagnosis is made, back pain can be treated with home remedies, combined with therapies and medicines. You can get better and even stop the pain and illness from worsening if you follow your doctor’s advice and combine your treatment with therapies and natural remedies.

    You can try exercises, with the advice of your physical therapist. Practice these exercises daily to enhance muscle movement, subside joint pain, and increase blood flow. Increased blood flow helps in healing the underlying cause of back pain.

    If you have severe back pain, your doctor might prescribe medicines such as ibuprofen, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and corticosteroids. In case of worse pain, you might get infections of corticosteroids to help with the pain.

    Surgery is the last option to cure back pain. The surgical procedure depends upon the cause of your back pain. A surgical procedure can include grafting that helps to make the spine stable.


    Laser treatment for back pain at BioFlex Pakistan

    If you want to get rid of back pain without medicines and surgery then consider cold laser therapy for back pain. It is a non-invasive procedure that works on the back by enhancing connective tissue regrowth and thus strengthening the spine. Subsequently, the pain goes away and you can carry out your daily activities normally.

    At BioFlex Pakistan, you will get treatment from specialized doctors through our modern equipment at our back pain clinics. A handheld cold laser therapy device is used that emits a cold laser beam. Usually, more than one session is required to treat back pain and get rid of the pain completely.


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    Laser treatment for back pain at BioFlex Pakistan

    If you want to get rid of back pain without medicines and surgery then consider cold laser therapy for back pain. It is a non-invasive procedure that works on the back by enhancing connective tissue regrowth and thus strengthening the spine. Subsequently, the pain goes away and you can carry out your daily activities normally.

    At BioFlex Pakistan, you will get treatment from specialized doctors through our modern equipment at our back pain clinics. A handheld cold laser therapy device is used that emits a cold laser beam. Usually, more than one session is required to treat back pain and get rid of the pain completely.

    Book An Appointment

    Simply share your information below and our patient management expert will call you back within the next day to discuss your details and to book your appointment with our consultant.

      About BioFlex Laser Therapy

      BioFlex laser therapy is a Canadian technology. Founded by Dr. Fred Kahn on the ideation of developing a revolutionizing remedy for a plethora of medical conditions, BioFlex has emerged as the therapeutic treatment within reach of everyone.
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