Are you suffering from a headache that seems to make your cheeks and jaws painful as well? Or the underlying cause of your headache is still unknown and you’ve been facing this agony for days?
If yes then you should have a proper examination for detecting underlying issues. You might not believe it but this headache can be due to your jaws.
How? Well, you have TMJ muscles that can get stressful and make your jaws and cheeks painful, and cause headaches.
Let’s find out what a TMJ headache is and how to get rid of it.
TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint. This joint connects your jaws with the skull and helps you move your jaws.
This jaw has a major role in chewing, yawning, moving the jaw up and down, laughing, etc.
When this jaw is moved too much then it can add stress to the adjoining muscles, causing pain. This pain can aggravate and grow to the cheeks and head as well.
Let’s know about the causes and symptoms of TMJ headache to understand it better.
Although specific causes are unknown TMJ headaches might be due to:
It might be caused due to other reasons that a doctor can diagnose after a detailed assessment.
There is no specific treatment line for TMJ headache in traditional medication. But you can opt for:
Usually, corticosteroids are prescribed by the doctor. The doctor will examine you and prescribe medication according to your condition.
You can go for conservative and alternative treatment options. A few are proven to be effective.
Massage is an easy way to get rid of a headache that is caused due to stress and muscle tension, especially in the upper area of the body. So it can help with TMJ headaches as well.
The therapeutic nature of massage relieves the tension and stress from the muscles. This increases blood flow and helps reduce headaches. You can try a massage whenever you experience a headache. You should be aware of what type of massage will work for you and find a professional therapist who can help you better.
Jaw exercises are a great way to relieve TMJ muscle tension and help your body relax.
Aromatherapy is the technique to treat various health conditions through odors. Certain odors can relieve headaches and make you feel calm. Oils such as lavender and eucalyptus can help you feel better and reduce your headache. You can manage these oils on your forehead, shoulders, and neck so that you can smell them easily. The smell of these oils relieves stress and makes you feel better.
When it comes to headaches caused due to TMJ muscle tension then this treatment can really make you feel better. You can get rid of your severe headache by applying cold and hot compressors, alternatively.
Apply a pack of ice wrapped in a piece of cloth on your shoulders, cheeks, neck, and forehead for a maximum of 10 minutes. This cold pack helps to relieve head pains and make you feel relaxed. Avoid overdoing it.
Now apply a hot pack that you can buy from a pharmacy store or make your own. Apply hot packs to the same areas where you applied a cold pack earlier. The heat released from a hot pack helps relax your muscles.
It’s no secret that uninterrupted sleep can reduce headaches very effectively. You should make your night rituals that don’t include TV, mobile phone, or any strenuous activity. Have a massage or take a warm bath and head to your bed with your favorite herbal tea. Try to sleep for at least 6 hours to feel better. Sleeping is a natural cure for headaches and can help you get rid of chronic headaches.
Eat healthy food but avoid chewing food too much. Avoid eating hard food. Take lighter and softer meals.
An advanced and relatively modern technique to get rid of any type of headache instantly is laser therapy. As the name indicates, a low-level laser beam is directed on the painful areas. This laser helps relieve pain, discomfort, and inflammation. The procedure is performed by a trained doctor and usually, more than one session is required to treat chronic headaches.
The laser is believed to work on the largest artery in the head region and thus increases blood flow. This helps to relieve headaches, including TMJ headaches as well. Laser pain therapy helps to completely vanish headaches, reduce the intensity, and treat chronic headaches, effectively.
Find out more about headache treatment in Pakistan with BioFlex and how TMJ headache is treated through low-level laser therapy.
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