Frozen shoulder is a condition in which your shoulder becomes stiff and painful. At its climax, the shoulder cannot be moved in any direction.
Traditionally the doctors give you painkillers to subside the pain but no medicine will cure the underlying issue. If your condition is worsening with each day passing, then your doctor might suggest surgery for the frozen shoulder.
That’s why people suffering from frozen shoulder look for homeopathic medicines and alternative treatments to get rid of this annoying condition, so they can carry out their daily activities in a normal way.
So let’s discuss homeopathic medicine for frozen shoulder and whether it will work for you. We will also discuss laser pain therapy that is a scientifically proven alternative treatment. It is successfully being used around the world to treat various neuromuscular disorders, including frozen shoulder.
In homeopathy, the medicines are given based on your condition, your medical history, and other factors. This approach makes homeopathic medicine suitable for all as you will get a set of tailored medicine based on your particular symptoms.
The medicines that are prescribed for the frozen shoulder and found to be effective are:
Homeopathic products that are commonly used for Frozen Shoulder are Spondi Rite, Rhus Tox Pentarkan, Bryorheum, A8, BC 19, Dr. Advice No. 119, R73, and Rheum Aid.
The medicines work to loosen the stiff shoulder cap. It takes weeks to see the symptoms getting better.
Now that you understand that there is a treatment in homeopathy for frozen shoulder, you must be wondering if it will work for you.
Well, it depends on your condition and the experience of the homeopath. If you are given the right medicine and you take it religiously then over time it’s possible that you see the symptoms diminishing.
But there is no rule of thumb whether homeopathic medicine will work or not. That said, there is no harm in taking these medicines (as they pose no side effects). So you can always give it a try, but there is no surety that the treatment will work.
If you are susceptible to taking homeopathic medicine and want to go for an alternative treatment then read below.
Before deciding to go for a particular alternative treatment, do your research to see whether the treatment works and if it is a proven way to cure the illness or not.
The alternative treatment should not have any short-term or long-term side effects. You can also ask around for an expert opinion on the alternative treatment you are opting for.
Physical therapy is a great way to get better if you have a frozen shoulder. Your physiotherapist advises you to perform various frozen shoulder stretches and other exercises to make it flexible and less painful. But don’t do exercises on your own. Just follow the instructions of your therapist to get better.
Here we will also discuss one alternative treatment that has been practised around the world for decades which many have used to heal their frozen shoulder.
Want to know more? Just read below.
Apart from these remedies and treatments, you can go for certain alternative treatments. We will discuss one such treatment here that is scientifically proven and is being practised around the world. This alternative treatment is called low-level laser therapy.
This therapy is done in modern pain management clinics where experienced doctors use a safe laser beam to loosen the shoulder tap. It takes a few sessions before you find relief from a frozen shoulder.
If you are in Pakistan and want this laser pain therapy to get rid of the frozen shoulder then head to our pain management clinic – BioFlex Pakistan.
Bioflex Pakistan has experienced rheumatologists, modern equipment, and helpful staff. Our clinic has a 95% success rate when it comes to a frozen shoulder.
Click here to know more or go through a few success stories to make an informed decision.
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