Laser therapy is a relatively new migraine treatment. It has shown to be a high quality migraine prevention tool and is effective as a migraine disease treatment. Laser therapy reduces the total number of migraine attacks re-occurring over a month’s cycle. It also helps to reduce the total duration of the attack, as well as significantly reduces the intensity and pain experienced by the patient during their migraine headache.
Laser therapy has been shown to increase cellular metabolism of the patient, which promotes the healing process of the targeted area. Laser therapy has also been shown to interact with the nerves of the targeted site in a way which reduces pain experienced. This interaction also releases endorphins which reduces the painful sensations at the site. These interactions have a combined effect that result in pain relief starting from minutes after the first treatment to long-term pain relief.
Our technology is equipped with providing pain relief and management of many complex medical disorders – including many neurological disorders. The treatments are non-invasive, the procedure is painless and you do not experience any side effects.
Our BioFlex team consists of experienced orthopedic doctors who offer their outstanding services in various cities of Pakistan. Our clinics are located in cities near you; Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Peshawar & Multan.
If you would like to opt for our migraine treatment, begin our BioFlex Laser therapy process and book a consultation with our orthopedic doctors at one of our centres. Simply input your information below and we will call you back within the next day to book your consultation so you can start reaping the benefits that BioFlex has to offer!