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Treatments  > Repetitive Strain Injury  > Tennis Elbow

Laser Therapy For Tennis Elbow Treatment

Are you unable to move your elbow freely due to the excruciating pain? Just bid farewell to your drugs and invasive treatments and try laser therapy for tennis elbow treatment. This latest technology helps you experience tennis elbow relief by healing efficiently, without any side effects.

Tennis elbow is a very pain-causing condition that results due to overload on the tendons of the elbows. These elbow tendons usually get torn or injured by repetitive movement of arm and wrist muscles.

Commonly, people who do repetitive motions like; carpenters, painters, butchers, and certain sports players are at high risk of developing tennis elbow because their work requires repetitive motions of the hands and arms for a prolonged time.

Clinic Address

3rd Floor, Al-Karam Plaza, F-11 Markaz, Islamabad

What is Tennis Elbow Pain?

Tennis elbow is a painful medical condition that limits the motion of the hand and is resulted from the repeated motion of the arm and wrist joint for a long-term duration. The pain usually begins in the tendons of the forearm muscles and can extend to the wrist area.

Rest can play a vital role in providing tennis elbow pain relief, but severe pain does require effective treatment. There are various treatment options that you can go for after consulting a doctor.

If you have gone through a treatment involving medications, physical therapy, and home remedies with no results, then it’s time to rid your pain with laser therapy for tennis elbow treatment. Read below to know how laser pain therapy is an effective solution for tennis elbow.

Types of Tennis Elbow

The tennis elbow diseases have the following three types:

Muscle Pain

The small bony structure in the elbow is an “anchor” for 6 varying muscles. If knots are formed in these six muscles it causes immense pain in that little bony structure.

Tendon Pain

In this case, pain may originate from the inflammation or due to a tear in the tendon at the point where it gets inserted into the bone.

Nerve Pain

The radial nerve comes from the neck by the passage of the armpit and the right passes this area. If excess pressure is exerted on this nerve at the neck region, it may hurt in the elbow. Nerve flossing exercises can be used to stretch irritated nerves.

    Tennis Elbow Causes

    It is a type of muscle strain & injury caused by overuse. The main cause behind Tennis elbow injury is a repetitive motion of forearm muscles. Further causes of tennis elbow are mentioned ahead:

    • Repetitive movements
    • Stress to the tissues
    • Use of plumbing tools
    • Painting
    • Screw drivers
    • Cutting things up
    • Prolonged use of
    • PC mouse
    • Prolonged typing
    • Age between 30-50
    • Carpenting
    • Butching
    • Racket participation
    • Poor stroke technique
    • Muscial instruments
    • Assembly line work
    • Blow to elbow

    Signs and Symptoms of the Tennis Elbow

    The pain that refers to Tennis elbows is initiated from the outer side of the elbow and may reach out the forearm and continue towards the wrist. Signs and symptoms of the Tennis elbow are as follows:

    • Difficulty in hand shake
    • Difficulty in griping something
    • Hard to turn a doorknob
    • Hard to hold cup of the coffee
    • Constant pain outer side of elbow being painful
    • Swollen elbow muscles

    Tennis Elbow Relief Treatments

    Once you’re diagnosed with tennis elbow, you might be prescribed over-the-counter painkillers, NSAIDs, and corticosteroids. You will also be advised to visit a physical therapist for daily exercises that might help you with pain. You can also try home remedies such as applying a cold pack and got pack alternatively to relieve pain and inflammation.

    Laser therapy for tennis elbow treatment

    But oftentimes, the tendons don’t heal properly and the pain comes back. This is when laser therapy can help you. The laser beam naturally triggers the body’s healing mechanism to heal the tendons completely and allow you to carry out any elbow movement you want.

    At BioFlex Pakistan, tennis elbow treatment is done with cold laser therapy. Our technology uses a beam of laser light having varying wavelengths to trigger the healing process.

    Our therapy is world-famous and has a very high success rate. Clinicians from all over the world prescribe laser therapy as a treatment of various medical disorders including tennis elbow treatment.

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      About BioFlex Laser Therapy

      BioFlex laser therapy is a Canadian technology. Founded by Dr. Fred Kahn on the ideation of developing a revolutionizing remedy for a plethora of medical conditions, BioFlex has emerged as the therapeutic treatment within reach of everyone.
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